I am a 2nd year PhD student at the Center for Molecular Modeling, Faculty of Sciences, Ghent University. My research concentrates on developing machine learning based optimization techniques for reactive molecular dynamics. I am interested in learning more about state-of-the-art learning methods, and applying them to solve classical scientific problems.

When not working on my PhD, I have multiple hobbies. My passion for coding does not end at working hours. I like to develop projects related to real-world problems or writing some handy scripts. I also combine coding with another passion, cryptocurrencies.

When I’m not behind a computer screen, I like to be creative with my ukulele or guitar and jam around. Photography is a real art for me, that I try to do as well when the opportunity arises. You can find some examples in my Gallery. I go running and go to the gym. Finally, I am passionate about seeing the world and meeting other people especially by motorcycle.


  • Ghent University/IFP Energies Nouvelles (2020 - 2023)
    Ph.D of Physics
    Machine Learning for ReaxFF parameter optimization
  • Ghent University (2014 - 2020)
    Master of Science in Chemistry
    specialization in analytical chemistry and chemo-informatics


  • Fluent in Dutch, English and French.


  • I am both Belgian and French citizen.